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General information
Class schedule: Monday-Thursday from 10:00 A.M.-12:00 P.M. and 14:30-16:30 P.M., and Friday from 10:00 A.M.-12:00 P.M.
Classes end September 6th and the period between September 9-30th is dedicated to research for the final project. During this time, it is not necessary to remain in Santiago; however, students are encouraged to make use of the CEPAL facilities during this time.
To obtain a certificate of participation for the course, participants must attend at least 80% of all classes and submit a 10,000 word essay on a topic covered during the Summer School. The Summer School recommends using this space to develop an aspect of a graduate thesis or dissertation. Participants may choose a CEPAL staff member or an invited speaker as a mentor for the Summer School project. The final project is due September 30th though students may submit a draft and continue working on their project after the deadline. Under no circumstances will projects be accepted after the deadline.