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Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean’s (ECLAC) Summer School on Latin American Economies is a diverse space of thought that promotes discussion, reflection, exchange, and the generation of ideas and policies related to economic growth and combating poverty and inequalities. It combines a wide variety of contributions from different divisions of ECLAC with the frontier of academic research.

In 2000, ECLAC and the division of production, productivity and management jointly hosted the first edition of the Summer School seeking to share the work of ECLAC with students and researchers. Since then, more than 500 students from 35 countries and different universities have joined the Summer School.

ECLAC has pioneered an analytical tradition focuses on the dynamics of the productive structures, technology, and the pattern of specialization in long-term growth. Its contributions form part of a rich tradition in economic theory combining the Keynesian emphasis on effective demand, income distribution and full employment policies, and the Schumpeterian and evolutionist traditions, which analyzes the dynamics of learning, innovation and diffusion of technology, and their impact on productive patterns. It recognizes that industrial and technological policies are a key condition for achieving the convergence of developing and advanced countries, in terms of per capita income and technological capacities.

The Summer School is an opportunity to respectfully discuss these diverse issues with depth and rigor. The program addresses theoretical and empirical issues, emphasizing the region's recent economic history, and its impacts on current perspectives and future policies.

Classes are taught by ECLAC staff and distinguished professors (economists and social scientists). Among those who have already participated are professors Luis Bértola, from the University of the Republic of Uruguay; Robert Blecker, of American University in the United States; Giovanni Dosi, of the Sant'Anna School at the University of Pisa, Italy; José Antonio Ocampo, of Columbia University, United States; Tommaso Ciarli, University of Sussex, England, among others.

Course information

  • The Summer School takes place every year between July and September.
  • The program is organized in three thematic modules: macroeconomics, microeconomics, and economic history and political economy. Also, it includes thematic areas such as growth and development, trade and integration, social policy, income distribution, gender, human rights and sustainable development, among other topics.
  • Classes are taught in English and Spanish, and full dedication is required throughout the program.
  • Ideal candidates are young researchers interested in Latin American development.
  • There is no cost associated with the application, and the course is free from cost for all participants. However, participants must cover all other incidental costs including travel and housing accommodations.
  • To obtain a certificate of participation for the course, participants must submit a 10,000 word essay on a topic covered during the Summer School. Participants enrolled in post-graduate or doctoral courses may direct their efforts to develop research that contributes to their dissertation or thesis.

Application process and requirements

1.    Requirements: Advanced university degree in economics, economic development or related areas; Fluency in English and Spanish. We encourage graduate students from the field of economic development to apply.
2.    Applicants must complete the online application form and send the following documents: one reference letter from a supervisor or someone familiar with their academic background, directed specially to the Summer School coordinators, and a letter of motivation describing their interest in participating.


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